Nemamayai Baraka
Nemamayai Baraka
Nemamayai Baraka is 14 years old, born in a traditional Maasai family. Her parents are unemployed. Her father practices polygamy and her birth mother is his first wife. She is the fifth daughter from her birth mother, who has a total of nine girls.
Nemamaya’s father forced her three other siblings into marriage for financial gain. He received dowry for all of his daughters soon after they were born. A year ago, he divorced her mother as a punishment for giving birth to nine daughters. Nemamayai, who is in standard six, was taken out of school by her father and forced into marriage with an older man in a remote village. After being married for only a month, she vanished and stayed hidden. With her best effort, she succeeded in reuniting with her mother. She believes strongly in the importance of an education. Her dream is to become a Nurse. Despite the challenges, her determination is impressive.If Nemamayai found a sponsor, it would mean a world of difference to her, as she would achieve her future dreams.