Get Involved
We depend on the generosity donation of private individuals, grants from other organizations as well as ECIOs members Fee. Any kind of donation, large or small, will contribute directly to the community empowerment, environmental conservation and
education. We are happy to accept donations for particular, specified activities or equipment.
You’re a special part of the Enduata Community. Your contribution provides opportunity and purpose. Please give a gift today.
By donating to ECIO, you’re helping to build stronger and more inclusive communities that can achieve their own development goals. Your gift could:
- Support educational opportunities for school children in Tanzania
- Train farmers in climate-smart agriculture
- Identify and paid for surgical need for treatable disability
- Wildlife and Environmental conservation
- Fund micro-loans for women’s businesses
- Climate resilience and adaptation
- Adult literacy classes
Please contact us if you have any questions about your donation.
Bank Account Details
0340003918 – TZ
0340003917 – USD
Sponsor a student
Sponsors will receive a photo of their sponsored students, letter and school academic report. Also, if a visit to Tanzania is in the sponsor travel plan, you will be able to meet and visit her school as well.
Host an Event
We are always looking to share ECIO mission with new faces. By hosting a dinner, lunch, small, large or virtual event, and contribute towards one of ECIOs projects. you can help us grow our network. Inform us in advance and we will help you with materials, organization, and contacts. If you have other ideas or simply need support, don’t hesitate to Contact Us
Birthday Presents
Your birthday is approaching but you do not know what to do about it. This year do something different! Organize a fundraising for ECIO. Contact Us

If you are interested in volunteering for us, please send an email to
Our volunteers bring invaluable expertise to their global neighbours, sharing knowledge, building mutual trust, and creating economic opportunity. For example, our volunteers may help train young people to become successful entrepreneurs, involved in tree planting and delivering environmental education to the community, involved in rural women empowerment, join the out- reach team in educate the community on the importance of education to increase student’s enrolment to school, to reach out to community with children with disabilities who do not know where to get treatment and support content writing for our newsletters and website as well as report writing.
Do what you know and what you love in a dramatically new environment where your impact is real, and the rewards are immeasurable and last a lifetime, strengthen capacity of the program participants and make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.
Spread the word
We are in need of people who can help with newsletters, brochures, flyers, and other forms of publicity to effectively communicate our organization’s mission. You can assist us in getting articles in the local newspaper or staff an ECIO booth at a community event. These downloadable
files (brochure) will aid you in promoting ECIO and our ongoing projects. To learn more, please get in touch with us.
ECIO collaborates with companies, governments, nonprofits, and individuals to address complex global challenges. The contributions of our partners go beyond financial support; they also provide ideas, volunteer power, in-kind support, and more, enabling us to support and empower vulnerable
and rural communities. We are always open to new partnership opportunities. Please contact us.
Become a member
If you share our values and our mission and would like to become a part of the ECIO’s family,
follow these simple steps:
Fill out and submit the application form
Proceed with the payment of your membership fee (€ 25 for regular members / € 15 for students).