Nasela Shuaka

Nasela Shuaka
Nasela Shuaka is a 13-year-old girl from a family of 16 children. Her father is a polygamist and pastoralist, and both of her parents are illiterate. None of their children attend school; instead, they take care of cows and their younger siblings. In a family of 16 children, Nasela is the only one who was lack to receive a primary school education. While she is in class three, all the other girls in the family have already been married off. Nasela’s father’s opposition to girls’ education caused her to start school late. Her mother wanted Nasela to go to school and tried different ways, but her father was a big resistance. Nasela’s mother brought her along to help her grandmother, with the goal of enrolling Nasela in school. Her father was present to lend a helping hand, while her mother hoped that enrolling Nasela in boarding school would allow her to escape her previous marriage. Unfortunately, her mother, being a stay-at-home parent, cannot afford the costs of boarding school.